Our Hiring Process

Not all staffing companies approach hiring the same way

We place people above production

At Infinium Staffing, we care about people and we care about results.

Quality over Quanitity

Many of the national staffing providers place a lot of emphasis on quantity over quality. We know because our top recruiting specialists have decades of experience with the largest staffing companies in the US.

We created Infinium Staffing to be different and to serve the smaller business segment by providing custom solutions, and quality over quantity.

We know small businesses, and we know that they need; simple and affordable staffing solutions. That's exactly what we're focused on delivering.


Source the Right People

Placing people requires an understanding of the position, the company culture and what our client needs. That's where we start, making sure are sourcing accurately.

Careful Selection Process

Once we have identified qualified individuals, our detailed hiring process continues as we do a deep dive into who they are where they've been.

Placing the Right People

Only when we've completed our thorough selection and hiring process will we send a candidate for your final approval. Only the best make it through our process.

We utilize the top job sites to find best

Every position is different, and not every candidate sourcing site is the right fit. We take the time to determine the best place to source for qualified candidates based on your needs, so we don't waste your time or your money.

Our Promise

We care about results, and we care about satisfied clients and employees. If you aren't completely satisfied with our services, talk to your Recruiting Specialist and we'll do what it takes to make things right.

What can we help you with?

At Infinium Staffing, we're here to make your business run better by providing timely and affordable staffing services. No matter what your industry, we can custom tailor our service to meet your objectives.

We can help you in the following undustries:


  • Receptionist
  • Data Entry
  • Customer Service
  • Accounting
  • Human Resources


  • Warehouse
  • Shipping
  • Assembly
  • Production
  • Machine Operation


  • Engineering
  • Drafting
  • Quality Control
  • Programming
  • Maintenance

Hire the best by partnering with the best

We offer affordable hiring and recruiting services using our top-notch recruiting specialists. We help you hire right because your success depends on it.

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