At Infinium Staffing, our process starts with you. Once you engage with our hiring experts, you're on your way to finding the right job or career.
We start with a one-on-one interview to understand you, where you've been and where you want to go. Then we can begin matching you with the right employer and position. Our reputation depends not on you being your best, but on our ability to make effective placements.
We ask all our candidates to complete a full employment application either in our office or online, and if applicable, submit a resume.
We meet face-to-face with every employee we place. In this day of technology, nothing can ever replace human interaction.
After we get to know you and what you're looking for, we then match you with a client and if necessary, schedule and in person interview.
When we've taken all the necessary steps, our goal is to get you placed as quickly as possible. Great results for our clients and employees matter most.
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Serving the communities of Murrieta, Temecula, Wildomar, Menifee, and Coronaarea