Looking for Job?

We're looking for great people just like you!

Portrait of a young smiling woman

It's all about you!

At Infinium Staffing, we're all about people. Specifically, helping individuals like you find the right job or career, and helping small business owners find great people. We take the time to learn about you and your needs and try to find the right fit with a qualified local employer.


We focus on these industries. Where do you fit?

Engineer Showing Female Teenage Apprentice How To Use Lathenfinium Staffing Manufacturing Jobs

Industrial and Manufacturing

Short and long-term positions that require some basic skills and usually offer training and opportunities for advancement.

Group of warehouse workers wearing hardhats and reflective jackets waking in aisle between tall racks with packed goods, back view

Warehouse and Assembly

Positions available on a permanent or temporary basis and require only basic skills and dependability

Administrative and Technical

Our Administrative and Technical positions usually require some level of experience in your field and/or college education.

Register with our Hiring Specialists today!

By registering in our system you'll be placed immediately in our database and our Recruiters will have your information at their fingertips. The economy is picking up, jobs will again be plentiful. Now is the time to get hired into a growing company!

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